Friday, November 27, 2009


I've been tweeting regularly now for almost 6 months. I've become completely addicted to twitter since then and have been tweeting everything from what I'm doing at that given moment, all the way to posting pictures of things I find funny in my daily travels.

Honestly I can't even begin to understand my own fascination with twitter, I just can't go a day without having at least one tweet, and if there is a day I go without I feel bad. (completely insane, I know)

For those just getting started, twitter is something to be valued, especially if you want insight into peoples lives that you wouldn't normally get.

Also I recommend following Roger Ebert (ebertchicago) for those who want some of the best reporting on movies and culture. Ebert is an incredibly smart man and one of the best to follow on twitter.

Follow me on twitter here

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